Often sex every day, make you ...

The need for routine, a perfect sex is done every day or at least once a week. In addition to taping your relationship, this agenda can rejuvenate you and get away from stress.

Sex has many advantages. In a relationship, sex is an important tool for your relationship and your partner to harmonize. No wonder if sex is no longer a regular agenda, the relationship that you prone to anger, discord, enmity, which often entailed the separation.

Sex expert Dr. Gail Saltz says, sex is the glue that makes the couple became close friends or best friends, but also a friend to fight when the bad thing though. Given the importance of this fact, sex should also be done at least once a week. These are the reasons, as quoted by good in bed.

- Sex is rejuvenate, reduce stress and boost immunity. This is because the flow of endorphin hormones produced during sex.

- A healthy sex life makes you a superstar in the office. Recent research conducted by biological anthropologist Helen Fisher PhD research has shown that people who enjoy sex regularly tend to be more successful in the workplace. This is because sex can increase the confidence and self-esteem.

If you are stuck in declining frequency and quality of sex, should do the following:

Exercise and eat

Your sexual health is connected to your whole body health. Not surprisingly, men who have sex more often than the quality of their health improved. If you are too tired to have sex, the activity reduction. Because you need time for themselves.

Minimize stress

Not only emphasize that cortisol inhibits testosterone. Research shows that a woman who wants to have sex and enjoy, then part of the brains associated with stress will soon switch off. So, find out what makes you depressed and make a plan with a partner to cope with the stress attacks.

Turn off your computer

Turning off this tool, you have enough time to fully mix fun with a partner. Use the time as much as possible and you are ready for a hot game with her.

Give your partner's hugs

Physical intimacy nonseksual sesksual also build demand. Studies show that 20 seconds hug will increase levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin is known as the hormone that builds a sense of love, especially among women. Unfortunately, many couples who do not this time if only for a mere 20 seconds.



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